Histories of Brazilian Music and Musicology: a preliminary reading


  • Carla Blomberg PUC-SP


History of Music, History, Musicology


There is a very few books arguing about the History of Brazilian Music in Brazil. There are no studies regarding their authorships, schools, methods, yet still the books are given as references and read by as diletant public as scholars. Therefore it will be identified which, from the histories written, were consolidated by the traditional historiography. Secondly, it will be analyzed if, as it had happened with the histories of music written abroad, the histories of Brazil were the goal of the Historical Musicology and at last, it will be analyzed the relation these histories bears with concurrent historical methodologies.

Author Biography

Carla Blomberg, PUC-SP

Departamento de Física. Centro Simão-Mathias de Estudos Pós-Graduados em História da Ciência.

Pós-Doc em História da Ciência.



How to Cite

Blomberg, C. (2012). Histories of Brazilian Music and Musicology: a preliminary reading. Projeto História : Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pós-Graduados De História, 43. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/revph/article/view/8040