Role of collaboration in knowledge management and organizational learning
Knowledge Management, Collaborative Learning, Organizational Ecosystem, NetworksAbstract
This article aims to explore the interconnection between collaboration and knowledge management, highlighting human interactions in the organizational context. This discussion is justified by the growing relevance of this topic given the volatility we have experienced in recent decades, aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic. In face of challenges and opportunities that arise in an increasingly complex world, mediated by increasingly sophisticated technologies, the question arises: what is the role of collaboration in promoting the sharing and co-creation of essential knowledge to establish a new paradigm, ensuring the competitiveness of companies? To answer this question, a basic, bibliographic, qualitative, descriptive and transversal research methodology was used, based on bibliographic and documentary sources. The analysis, from the epistemological perspective of collaboration as a competitive differentiator, covers studies and specialized publications between 2020 and 2021, supported by a theoretical framework that incorporates concepts such as knowledge creation, collaborative knowledge management and learning organizations. The results confirm the importance of a collaborative culture in determining organizational success, highlighting knowledge management as a driver of intellectual capital.
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