Entrepreneurial resource bricolage and social innovation

moderating effect of entrepreneurial alertness


  • Charunadi Ratnayake Uva Wellassa University




Entrepreneurial Resource Bricolage, Social Innovations, Entrepreneurial Alertness, Entrepreneurship, Social Purpose Organizations


Entrepreneurial resource bricolage concept evolved with the scientific studies and it spread towards the social sciences recently. Mainly focusing on the social purpose organization context with the entrepreneurial resource bricolage has a researchable area which can lead to solved social issues via socially conscious innovations. Accordingly, this study investigates how entrepreneurial resource bricolage leads nurturing social innovations and how entrepreneurial alertness moderates the whole process. Drawing upon a sample of 264 social entrepreneurs, the study followed a quantitative approach to investigate the focal research question. The results reveal that entrepreneurial resource bricolage significantly influences on nurturing social innovations while entrepreneurial alertness moderates the process. The study also finds that there is a higher level of SI in Sri Lanka and Sri Lankan social entrepreneurs ERB usage level is at a higher level. Along with the findings, this study provides significant theoretical and managerial insights.




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