Rare beauty
a conceptual model of research based on the diffusion and adoption of eco-innovative cosmetics
Adoption, Diffusion, Pro-environmental behavior, Socioeconomic context, Eco-innovative cosmeticsAbstract
The cosmetics industry traditionally pollutes the environment as a result of the development of products that use chemicals, petrochemicals and microplastics, materials that end up in rivers, lakes and oceans after use by consumers, in addition to generating a specific amount of waste from packaging. Market pressure has driven the adoption of sustainable measures by the cosmetics sectors, emphasizing the importance of raising awareness and changing traditional production and consumption habits. From this perspective, the present study proposes a conceptual model of original research to analyze the diffusion and adoption of eco-innovative cosmetics by consumers, based on the formulation of seven research hypotheses. The study was guided mainly by the theory of diffusion of innovations and the theory of planned behavior and developed from bibliometrics. In the model, the constructs of pro-environmental behavior and socioeconomic context were proposed as mediators of the relationship between the diffusion and adoption of cosmetic eco-innovations. This study aims to contribute to the theoretical frontier in the fields of cosmetics eco-innovation and sustainable consumer behavior, as well as to sustainable measures for the diffusion and adoption of eco-innovative cosmetics by the industry.
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