Social-environmental analysis of integration systems

what are their benefits, challenges and opportunities?


  • Liliane Moreira Nery Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Gabriela Gomes Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Nícholas de Paula Nicomedes Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Darllan Collins da Cunha e Silva Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Débora Zumkeller Sabonaro Universidade Federal de Alfenas



Integrated systems, Sustainable agriculture, Rural property, Soil conservation


Concerns about the sustainability of agricultural systems highlight the need for new approaches to agricultural production. Given this, this study, based on a literature review, assessed the socio-environmental benefits provided by integrated systems (IS), the challenges, and opportunities in the dissemination of this technology. The environmental improvements provided by IS are well described, however, little is known about their effects on rural property and the difficulties in their implementation. The implementation of conservation systems, when compared to a conventional production system, reduces soil disturbance, increases organic matter coverage, and presents lower potential for soil erosion and compaction. Moreover, integrated systems that include forage and/or forestry components improve soil properties and have the potential to sequester carbon in soil and biomass, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, high initial costs and low education levels among small producers may be barriers to the adoption of these systems. Negative market perceptions and government incentives can also favor traditional systems. Recognizing the long-term benefits and implementing payments for environmental services can encourage the adoption of these systems. However, a better understanding of the pollution implications of integrating systems with conventional production systems is necessary. Therefore, the integration's ability to improve soil quality attributes contributes to the recovery of degraded pastures, increased productivity, and carbon sequestration. It is further concluded that Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forest Integration (ICLF) can be seen as an innovative technology within an established agricultural regime, providing a new agricultural approach.


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