Emotional reactions of students and ethical dilemma when working with a neural network
a case of students completing creative tasks
Emotional intelligence, Artificial intelligence, Authorship ethical dilemma, Jouranlis trainingAbstract
The study aims to establish the range of students' emotional responses in interaction with neural networks as part of creative educational tasks. The research is focused on the responses of students solving creative tasks using neural networks and their experience of the ethical dilemma of attributing authorship. The study hypothesis is that the emotional response arising at the first stage of interaction contributes to the assimilation of the experience of cooperation with machine intelligence and the choice of further course of action in attributing authorship. The study was conducted in three stages: determining popular neural networks, discussing the variants of emotional reactions, and conducting a student survey. Empirical research was conducted based on higher journalism schools at Moscow State University (MSU), Saint Petersburg State University (SPSU), and Kazan Federal University (KFU) from October to December of 2023. The respondent sample consisted of 159 students: 89 from KFU, 50 from MSU, and 20 from SPSU. Factor analysis shows that the share of students experiencing ambivalent emotions amounted to 17%, a positive state was described by 34%, and negative emotions were reported by 18% of students. Thus, interaction with a neural network evokes an emotional response in users, which allows them to assimilate the experience of this interaction.
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