
  • Thomas Block Centre for Sustainable Development, Department of Political Sciences, Ghent University
  • Erik Paredis Centre for Sustainable Development, Department of Political Sciences, Ghent University
  • Peter van Aert Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur


Palabras clave:

Sostenibilidad, Educación, Ciencia pos-normal, Antropoceno, Pensamiento latinoamericano


El Covid19 nos afirma que vivimos las consecuencias del Antropoceno. Para la educación, esta afirmación trae implicancias considerables: debemos superar la profunda división entre los campos de las Ciencias Naturales y Sociales y al mismo tiempo reconocer el carácter político de la práctica educativa y científica.

La sostenibilidad es una noción que, en potencia, encarna los elementos que responden a ambos desafíos, pero solo alejándonos de una aproximación tecnocrática-instrumental, y asumiendo un abordaje político de la noción. La ciencia pos-normal brinde un marco adecuado para ello, ya que los problemas que se imponen en nuestro contexto actual presentan desafíos democráticos que exigen otras aproximaciones educativas y académicas.

Nuestra intención es aportar con este texto un recurso didáctico que incentive a instalar en el aula el debate conceptual acerca de la noción. Lejos de proponer un enfrentamiento con el pensamiento dominante, proponemos aquí una argumentación más bien a partir del mismo para desentrañar sus componentes básicos y evidenciar la arbitrariedad de todas las construcciones teóricas que se desprenden de ellos. Esperamos así, contribuir a una educación ambiental y de sostenibilidad transdisciplinar que consiste en des-cubrir la dimensión política, repolitizar la educación, transcender la división entre el relativismo y el objetivismo e, incentivar posicionamientos teóricos sin determinismos.

Biografía del autor/a

Thomas Block, Centre for Sustainable Development, Department of Political Sciences, Ghent University

The identity of his research approach lies in the use of a (nuanced) constructivist epistemology, a complexity-acknowledging perspective, an interpretative policy analysis framework, a participative research design, and in the framing of sustainability issues as ‘political’ matter. His research focus is on complex decision-making and transition governance, education on wicked sustainability issues, scenarios and future studies, sustainable cities and urban projects.

Thomas Block is Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development, Associate Professor ‘Sustainability and governance’ at the Department of Political Sciences and Special UGent Commissioner Sustainability, all at Ghent University.

Erik Paredis, Centre for Sustainable Development, Department of Political Sciences, Ghent University

His research interests include the politics of sustainable development, sustainability transitions, governance approaches, the role of civil society, of science and technology, and North-South issues of sustainability. Thematically, this research addresses the circular economy in a broad sense. Previously, he worked on topics such as food, building, climate, ecological debt and sustainable cities. 

Erik Paredis is associate professor "Transition governance and socio-technical system innovation for the circular economy" at the Department of Political Sciences.

Peter van Aert, Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur

His PhD research focusses on the concept of sustainability, applied to the local context of Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Van Aert is cultural anthropologist with a Masters degree of de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and is currently enrolled in the phD program in Social Sciences and Humanities of the National University of Quilmes, Argentina, where he is part-time teaching faculty at the Department of Social Sciences.

He holds a full time research and teaching position at the National University of Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur. He is currently assigned at the Austral Centre of Scientific Investigation (CADIC-CONICET) in Ushuaia, due to a two-year grand (2020-2022) to fulfil his phD research.





