
  • Eryka E. Fernandes Augusto FEI University Center, São Paulo
  • Gilmara Lima de Elua Roble FEI University Center, São Paulo
  • Gabriel Paulino Fernandes FEI University Center, São Paulo
  • Leonardo B. Henke de Paulo FEI University Center, São Paulo


Palabras clave:

Competence, Startups, Entrepreneurship


The accelerated technological advancement has rapidly changed business models and the way companies think. In less than a century, we went through three industrial revolutions, which completely changed the panorama of the competences expected from an employee. In addition, the horizontal management models practiced by startups and their formula for accelerated growth meant that the skills from the beginning of the last century were no longer a reference today. The managers’ state that the jobs and companies of the future have not yet been created, working with the perspective of uncertainty and accelerated changes. These factors explain the need to understand what will be necessary for a worker to be considered qualified in the future. With that been said, the question of this research is "What are the important skills for startups to meet their requirements in 2025?” For that, we have chosen for a qualitative and exploratory research, given the lack of a theoretical framework on the theme. The result indicates that the skills demanded by startups are related to human skills, which are made up of actions such as initiative, creativity, solving complex problems, innovation and active learning.


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