
  • Marcelo A Vieira Graglia Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - Brasil
  • Patricia Huelsen Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - Brasil
  • Noêmia Lazzareschi Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - Brasil


Palabras clave:

Human Values, Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Internet of Things, Social Networking


The study evaluates five technologies or technological arrangements: internet, social networks, internet of things, blockchain and artificial intelligence. These technologies are in different degrees of maturity and make up the new wave of technological innovation, the effects of which will cause severe changes in the economy, in labor relations, in employment and in society in general. The objective of this research is to carry out a basic assessment of these technologies in terms of their characteristics, implications and impacts on human and social relations, expanding the analysis to understand the ethical issues and human values involved, with an emphasis on the Brazilian reality. The method used is an exploratory, multidisciplinary research, which uses as references, among others, articles from the social sciences and philosophy, the basis for ethics. The first topic discusses the ethical helplessness in which we live today, followed by the analysis of the contexts of technologies and the moral dilemmas involved. The final topic presents the assessment of human values and virtues present in the interaction with the technologies analyzed.




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