
  • Renata Martins Correa Cruzeiro do Sul University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Flavia Frate Mackenzie Presbyterian University of São Paulo, Brazil


Palabras clave:

Digital transformation, Recruitment and selection, Semantic data analysis


An era of exponential technological changes marks the current century. The convergence of different processes has changed the way that companies use technology. Thus, the objective of this study is to reveal how companies can achieve digital transformation at the recruitment and selection process through semantic data analysis. The methodological procedures were elaborated in a descriptive exploratory research, through the qualitative method, which consisted of the literature review and documentary analysis. As a result, it was found that technology, by using artificial intelligence, can assist in the analysis of the candidates' responses. Therefore, if a person uses more the pronoun “we”, it may indicate that the person is more sociable, according to the analyzed case. In this way, it is concluded that technology can corroborate for a more assertive hiring in the management of Human Resources, and then increase efficiency in recruitment and selection activities. Therefore, the future of work will be marked by advanced technologies.



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