
  • Ivan Luis Agnelli Torretta Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Neusa M. Bastos F. dos Santos Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Fernando Fukunaga Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Danilo Nunes Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


Palabras clave:

Culture, Strategy, Strategical Alignment, Organization


This article investigated the organizational culture and competitive strategy style a financial institution uses. The result of this research reproduced the hypothesis of a relationship, which was proposed on the theoretical reference, and illustrated the cultural type perceived as hierarchical, characterized by a focus on the internal environment and an appreciation for stability. The defensive competitive strategy was identified, marked by conservatism and strong control mechanisms. The group cultural type was identified as desired. The group type is based on appreciating the bonds established by its members. This would correspond to the reactive strategy described in cases of strategy absence, where the promotion of strategical actions would only take place in face of concrete threats from competitors. The theoretical reference that confirms the cultural types is Quinn and Rohrbaugh’s model (1983), which allows for a comparative cultural study based on the main predominant values in the company. To analyze the competitive strategy, Miles and Snow’s model (2003) was used. This model typifies competitive strategy into four configurations, according to determined corporate behaviors that are present in the organization. In order to relate cultural typology and measured competitive strategy, the association proposed by Quinn and McGrath (1985) was used. 



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