

Palabras clave:

Perception, Work Performance, Home-Office, Generation and labour market


Work in home office mode is already a reality for many national and international organizations. In Brazil, according to Sobratt (2018), 45% of 315 companies from different areas of the economy have already joined this work modality. As a result of the pandemic of Covid-19, companies in sectors classified as non-essential, from both spheres, public and private, were pushed to adopt remote work to continue their business activities. So, this study aims to analyze the perception of work performance in the modality of Home-Office comparing the average indexes of different generations. Findings showed that despite of Y and Z generations are theoretically composed of a profile of people with greater skills for digital technologies (Kurz, Li, Vine, 2019) which seem to be a pre-requisite for adapting to remote work (FIA, 2020)[1], on average, Z generation reached a level (2.84) of perception below the average (3.0) considered for this study. In addition, Y generation, despite being above the average (4.06), obtained a lower index when compared to X generation (4.35).




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