
  • Erika Novaes de Souza Postgraduate Program in Sustainability, Center for Economy and Administration, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas
  • Diego de Melo Conti Postgraduate Program in Sustainability, Center for Economy and Administration, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas
  • Eduard Prancic Center for Economy and Administration, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas
  • Luciano Ferreira da Silva Postgraduate Program in Projects Management, Universidade Nove de Julho


Palabras clave:

Sustainability, Triple Bottom Line, Quality Management, Quality, Corrective Actions


Organizations aim at productivity equal to or greater than their competitors in order to ensure long-term survival. Therefore, the performance of the Quality and Sustainability departments is relevant to organizational strategies by creating sustainable competitive advantages. In this context, this study aims to analyze the relationship of the three dimensions of sustainability with the occurrence of nonconformities. The process of argumentative construction presented here begins with the theoretical articulation. The results point to the theoretical approximation of sustainability and quality management dimensions through the assessment of non-conformities. As a contribution, the article proposes sustainability parameters as a criterion for the implementation of corrective actions for quality in production processes.


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