
  • Mayara Jade Tito Rocha Pontifical Catholic University Catholic of São Paulo
  • João Pinheiro de Barros Neto Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP


Palabras clave:

Competency management, Human resource management, Motivation, Organization Behavior, Productivity.


Although we live in a period of many innovations and technology, people's particularities are seen as a differential that can be very promising if well explored and used by organizations. Nevertheless, it is still very common to find in organizations people who feel under-utilized or, on the contrary, exposed to challenges that they believe are not up to overcoming them. In this sense, competency-based management has been identified as one of the most promising models for achieving the much-desired maximum productivity of employees for the benefit of companies and with benefits for employees. However, there are still opponents at different levels of organizations that are based on prejudice or even lack of information. Thus, this research aimed to study people's perception of a likely implementation of Management by Competence. It was concluded that the workers surveyed are very optimistic about this model of people management and that the obstacles to change are found in management. Due to its methodological limitations, the study does not allow generalizing the results, however, it indicates that current employees are more informed and confident about the benefits of competency management than their managers.


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