
  • Luciana de Magalhães Pereira Pontificial University Catholic of São Paulo, São Paulo
  • Regina Célia Alves Vargas Pires United Metropolitan Colleges University Center FMU, São Paulo
  • Gilmara Lima de Elua Roble Cruzeiro do Sul University
  • Fernando José Lopes Flamingo College – São Paulo
  • Alessandro Marco Rosini Varzea Grande University Center- UNIVAG – Mato Grosso


Palabras clave:

Leadership, Career transition, Career, Leadership Pipeline


This study aims to understand the challenges inherent to professionals who make the transition from career to leadership when exercising it for the first time, based on Ram Charan's leadership pipeline. The aim is to discuss the issues involving the change of professional role in the first pass of the pipeline, when the individual changes from being a leader of himself to being a leader of others, in relation to the difficulties encountered by the professionals, the necessary skills and the development actions. The method used is a bibliographical research based on Charan, Drotter and Noel's leadership pipeline theories and Ibarra's career transition theories and a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, which aims to identify the challenges in leadership practice found, discussing the results against the studied theories. The reflections result in the importance of adequately preparing leaders to assume the first leadership position, considering the development of skills, perception of new values ​​and adjustments in time management.


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