Features of quality management of electronic services in Ukraine in the conditions of digitalization


  • Olena Klymenko State University of Telecommunications
  • Svitlana Lehominova State University of Telecommunications
  • Alona Goloborodko State University of Telecommunications



Palabras clave:

Digital life, Accessibility, Quality of the Internet, Electronic infrastructure of the state, Electronic security, E-service, Digital economy, Electronic government


Purpose – to investigate the features of quality management of electronic services in Ukraine in the context of digitalization intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Research methodology – analysis of statistical data published in traditional media, analysis of annual monitoring studies of private commercial companies, the study of the regulatory framework, published in free access to the Internet research on the problem of managing the quality of electronic services, as well as the author's sociological research, which allows assessing the level of e-services in Ukraine. Findings – there were highlighted the main criteria for business development in a fundamentally new digital environment of communication and social interaction, due to the intensive development of IT technologies, which implies the introduction of innovative methods of working with consumers in virtual environments based on messenger platforms. The conducted sociological research made it possible to highlight the reasons for the decline in the quality of service provision due to weak cyber protection, imperfection of the regulatory framework in the context of determining quality criteria, the legal unresolved issue of responsibility for disclosing personal data of consumers, a low level of digital culture of citizens, a fairly large volume of false content, dissatisfaction with the speed of the mobile Internet. Research limitations – the lack of systematization of the types of electronic services, the imperfection of the methodology for organizing the system for managing the procedure for the provision of services, the lack of regulatory certainty, which makes it possible to establish responsibility for quality and confidentiality. An interdisciplinary approach has led to the development of key determinants for evaluating e-service delivery. Highlighted business problems when working on Internet platforms, the elimination of which will improve the quality of electronic services. The economic, social, legal, and technical prerequisites for reducing the quality of e-services have been established, as well as a comparative analysis of the technical capabilities of mobile providers providing coverage and penetration of the Internet in the country.

Biografía del autor/a

Olena Klymenko, State University of Telecommunications

Doctor in Sociology, Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology

Svitlana Lehominova, State University of Telecommunications

Head of the Department of management information and cybersecurity, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. 

Alona Goloborodko, State University of Telecommunications

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Economic


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