Impact of strategic proactivity on reverse logistics and supply chain performance
a case of pharmaceutical industry of Pakistan
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Supply chain performance, pharmaceutical reverse logistics, resource commitment, strategic proactivityResumen
This research throws light on the supply chain performance of firms in various conditions of reverse logistics settings. The main purpose of the research is to explore the reverse logistics practices in pharmaceutical sector of Pakistan and its outcomes. Reverse logistics is a comparatively newer term for this region as approximately no research has been done in this area, this was identified as the research gap. The multinational companies have a very well developed systems of reverse logistics in supply chain departments. The local manufacturing setups out-number the multinational companies, though the processes of reverse logistics are carried out more or less in every firm, but, the proper systems have not been developed. Reverse logistics capabilities and innovation were the main focus of the study with respect to their effect on all over supply chain performance and backed by resource commitment and strategic planning going on in firms. To test the model data were collected from pharmaceutical companies of Pakistan. A total of 150 responses were received. Smart PLS 3.4 is used to perform structural equation modeling and results proved the impact of reverse logistics innovation directly and as a mediating variable between resource commitment and supply chain performance. Study limitations and future research directions are given at the end.
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