Walking recognition

a biopolitical approach


  • Lucineia Rosa dos Santos Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Thiago Gomes Marcilio Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



Palabras clave:

Artificial Intelligence, Biopolitics, Discourse, Prediction, Intervention


This article intends to analyze how walking recognition operates in a mechanical system that deals with uncertainty and the use of it to create biopolitical power. The objectives are to identify the physics theory how they connect with the philosophical approach. The hypothesis is that this system works in a structure identical to quantum physics laws. New algorithmic techniques have led to the exercise of Foucauldian biopolitical disciplinary power over bodies in the present, using uncertainties about the future as a raw source for defining interventions. Algorithmic prediction, and the panopticon model, are rooted in the desire to understand and exert power over bodies. It was found that, a predictive algorithm implies distinct temporal lines and expands time, which resonates with Schrödinger's model of possibilities and uncertainties, particularly when the observer's intervention can alter the state of affairs. While the past offers limited raw material for manipulation (as in the book "1984"), the future provides an inexhaustible speculative source of hypothetical scenarios (as in Isaac Asimov's book "Foundation") for AI, potentially diminishing the centrality of human self-determination over lives.


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