Pupils’ mobility in an educational quasi-market: Assessment of the situation in French-speaking Community of Belgium


  • Fábio D. Waltenberg
  • Vincent Vandenberghe


economics of education, pupils mobility, quasi-market, schooling system organization, Belgium


This paper exposes a theoretical framework and the main findings of an economic and quantitative analysis of pupil mobility in the French-speaking Community of Belgium. Mobility is understood here as switching-schools movements accomplished by pupils enrolled in primary schooling. The aims of the research were the following: identifying the nature of pupil mobility, evaluating its intensity, comparing it (in space and over time) to figures obtained in other studies, pointing out the variables that possibly determine it, and attempting to understand some of its implications. The appendix briefly presents some relevant information about Belgium and its schooling system to readers who are not familiarized with that country.

How to Cite

Waltenberg, F. D., & Vandenberghe, V. (2012). Pupils’ mobility in an educational quasi-market: Assessment of the situation in French-speaking Community of Belgium. Research &Amp; Debate Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Political Economy, 17(2(30). Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/rpe/article/view/11825


