“Igrejas S/A”: Brazilian non-denominational evangelicalism as a neoliberal religious enterprise.
Non-Denominational Evangelicalism, Neoliberalism, Religious CompanyAbstract
This work seeks to defend the idea that Brazilian non-denominational evangelical churches behave like neoliberal companies. In the text, neoliberalism is understood based on the reflections of Dardot and Laval, as a rationality that takes over all spheres of life, therefore, also the religious sphere. The discussion is based on how the State was transformed into a business State, through a conceptual change in the functions of the State. And just as the State was transformed into a business State, through conceptual changes especially in language, the same phenomenon will be compared in churches, analyzing the transformations in language, aesthetics and especially in architecture. Finally, it intends to discuss what non-denominational evangelical churches are, their origins, how they think and act, and why they consider capitalism as the natural order of life.
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