Ethical dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence for an education in metamorphosis


  • Luis Eduardo Viegas Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



Generative Artificial Intelligence, technology, higher education, ethical dilemmas, transformation


Given the existing challenges, it is necessary to seek new models of higher education that incorporate new technologies. Connectivity, accessibility, platformization and ubiquity will be fundamental pillars, but it is also essential to maintain as a lighthouse the promotion of institutions committed to criticism, legitimized in the involved fields, responsive to challenges in different spheres, representative, producers of rigorous knowledge and inductors of socioeconomic development. Fundamental pieces of this transformation are ethical issues and governance models willing to maximize its benefits while paying attention to the associated risks.

Author Biography

Luis Eduardo Viegas, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Doutorando em Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital (TIDD) pela PUC-SP, Mestre em Administração pelo IBMEC e Graduado em Informática pela UERJ. Pesquisador em IA Responsável pela Cátedra Oscar Sala do Instituto de Estudos Avançados da USP, em Tecnologias Emergentes pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Transformação Digital e Sociedade da PUC-SP, e pelo Observatório do Futuro do Trabalho. Orcid:


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