Between cartographic virtualities: a glance at Google Maps


  • Bruno Grandchamp Rodilha Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Luiz Felipe Napole de Haro Alvares Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.



Digital cartography, Virtual urban space, Cognition of urban space


The popularization of geo-referenced cartographic services, which monitor and assist urban displacements by Location-Based Systems (LBS), has been modifying the private and collective urban experience, through virtual cartographic representations and the display of routes in real time with high efficiency. This phenomenon is directly related to the displacement process, which develops in three phases, departure, course and arrival, and whose center is movement, when the person encounters the world and relates it to its virtual representation. The paper starts with a glance at the origins of cartographic intentionality. Next, it investigates the technical and informational constitution of the digital territories and finally, it presents a phenomenological perspective of the urban experience of motion. The focus in on the diverse relations between technologies, their representation and user experience in urban space.

Author Biographies

Bruno Grandchamp Rodilha, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Master's student in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.

Luiz Felipe Napole de Haro Alvares, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Master's student in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.


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