Book review: "Cartografias Criativas: da razão cartográfica às mídias móveis", by Juliana Rocha Franco


  • Clayton Policarpo Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil



Although today it seems impossible to agree with the apocalyptic scenarios of the early days of the Internet, which pointed to a future with relationships devoid of materiality and an inevitable dichotomy between virtual and real, the ease of access to remote services via applications and mobile media, as we have experienced in recent years, is a very recent achievement. In Brazil, it is as of the year 2010 that it becomes possible to identify a popularization of wireless devices - with the consolidation of the success of the iPhone and the arrival of Apple's iPad, which also ensured a growth in the supply of smartphones at affordable prices - which is added to the reduction in costs of Internet packages for cell phones, due to the implementation of the National Broadband Plan (PNBL), proposed by the federal government in the same year.

Author Biography

Clayton Policarpo, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

PhD student in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design at PUC-SP. Lattes CV:


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SANTAELLA, Lucia. Mobile and locative media: in between Thanatos and Eros. In: FIRMINO, R. J.; DUARTE, F. et al. (Ed.). ICTs for mobile and ubiquitous urban infrastructures: surveillance, locative media, and global networks. Hersey: Information Science Reference, 2010. p. 294- 311.

