The increasing use of technology in agribusiness: an analysis from the data protection perspective
Agribusiness, Technology, Data Protection, Big Data, AgritechsAbstract
Historically, agribusiness has always been one of the pillars of the Brazilian economy. Frequently, it has been directly responsible for the growth of the Gross National Product (GNP) of the country (IBGE, 2019). The productivity growth of the sector is closely related to the increase of direct and indirect investments in technology, in seed technologies, and in soil monitoring as well as in intelligence and prediction solutions. In this context, there has been a growing concern with respect to the massive production of data arising from the use of these technologies and the limitations of their use, especially as far as the worldwide movement of the enactment of personal data privacy laws and regulations are concerned. Based on the analysis of these agricultural technological innovations and on statistical, quantitative, and qualitative studies related to this rich ecosystem, this article aims at analyzing the legal relationships between the use of technology in agribusiness and the promotion of discussions concerning the ownership of these data (whether related to natural persons or to the business itself), the limitations of their use, and the possibilities of protecting them for the benefit of rural entrepreneurs.References
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