Open access to the machines
Linked open data, Open access, Scientific publishing, XML, BibTexAbstract
The debates about Open Access currently revolve around the question of suitable financing models, losing sight of the fact that publication formats must also be thought of as fundamentally more open. That means looking beyond the PDF format as the digital reincarnation of the printed book, if the full potential of digital technology to produce knowledge is to be exploited in the best possible way. This paper therefore deals with the question of scientific publications as data (but not with the publication of research data). The central demand of this paper is to work towards a replacement of the PDF format and the development and use of open, standardised data formats for scientific publications that meet the FAIR principles. The paper argues that, in addition to metadata, keywords, text structure and bibliographic references, text content is of particular importance. Models and technical solutions are needed for how central statements of a scientific publication can be embedded in the publication itself in a machine-readable form. For all these aspects an important role can be played by the use of semi-structured formats such as XML (for example TEI, JATS or RDF) and JSON (as in BibJSON, similar to BibTex), as well as the semantic web with the use of Linked Open Data.
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