The siamese sisters fake news and post-truth expanded in deepfakes


  • Lucia Santaella Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.



Fake news, Post-truth, Deepfake


From 2016 on, the expression fake news and its partner, post-truth, have increasingly taken over the news and interpretive media, with many articles published on the subject, even gaining the more detailed and well-informed discussions in academic
research. This dossier intends to present this theme in the repercussions it has obtained in some selected publications with the objective of preparing the reader with preliminary information for the articles about deepfake that are presented in this issue.
Unfortunately, we still don’t have books in Brazil about deepfake, the youngest offspring of fake news. Hence the relevance of this issue, which takes the lead in the search for a first systematization of this subject, which promises to bring even more disastrous consequences for social balance than fake news.

Author Biography

Lucia Santaella, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Lucia Santaella is a researcher 1A at CNPq, and a professor at PUC-SP. She has published 51 books and organized 24, besides the publication of more than 400 articles in Brazil and abroad. She has received the Jabuti prize (2002, 2009, 2011, and 2014), the Sergio Motta prize (2005), and the Luiz Beltrão prize (2010).


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DUNKER, Christian; TEZZA, Cristovão; FUKS, Julián; TIBURI, Marcia; SAFATLE, Vladimir. Ética e pós-verdade. Porto Alegre: Dublinense, 2017.

FAUSTINO, André. Fake news: a liberdade de expressão nas redes sociais na sociedade da informação. São Paulo: Lura, 2020.

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KEYES, Ralph. A era da pós-verdade: desonestidade e enganação na vida contemporânea. Tradução Fábio Creder. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2018.

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2021-10-12 — Updated on 2021-11-02




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