IA for discrimination and generation of digital content
Deepfake, Fake news, Artificial Intelligence, GANs, Education, Media literacyAbstract
The term “fake news” has become popular in the social media in 2016 during the elections for the presidency of the United States. Studies have shown that false news may have a greater number of likes than messages on reputable sites. They may even influence the outcome of elections. The production of false news uses technological resources from the world of print media, photos, texts, and layout. Currently, the digital media predominate. In addition to the printed text, they use audiovisual content. In this virtual environment, new artificial intelligence technologies are being developed, as is the case of deepfake, which can also be used for the production of content for disseminating false news. Such placements can threaten trust in institutions and democracy. One of the paths proposed to combat deepfakes is educational work through media literacy.
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