Artificial Intelligence and the new level of human-machine interaction
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, large language models, human-machine interaction, culture, semiotic competenceAbstract
The paper presents some of the main aspects the undergoing revolution Arti- ficial Intelligence (AI) is experiencing, especially in natural language processing (NLP) due to machine learning. The objective is to demonstrate that large language models – like those powering ChatGPT – are decisive steps not only towards a stronger AI but towards a new technological frontier: machines are striding through the gates that give access the human world of culture. The semiotic competence to produce and un- derstand several modalities of signs (music, image, verbal language, etc.) of machines raises the human-machine interaction to a new level. The paper proposes a schema to analyze such recent advances in AI in the broader context of the technological evolution of machines. The schematic analysis serves to explore important questions concerning the risks and benefits of this new level of human-machine interaction.
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