Why an ethical manual is essential for Generative Artificial Intelligence?


  • Lucia Santaella Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo




manual of ethics, guide, Chat GPT, Generative Artificial Intelligenc


The pervasive trend of artificial intelligence, which had already been announced a few years ago, intensified more and more, especially after the emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (IAG), in particular Chat GPT, which was made available by the start-up Open AI, financed by Microsoft, for public use from the end of 2022 on. Very easy protocols, almost nothing, from simple verbal commands, make accessible a system capable of meeting the user's informational requests, through conversations on the most varied subjects, in a language that simulates the human ability to speak and write. Distinct from Predictive Artificial Intelligence (IAP), whose development is left to the competence of specialists, IAG has been acquiring the characteristics of an available and helpful companion for carrying out the most varied tasks. All areas of human production related to language are being shaken. There would be no reason for education to be left out. On the contrary. However, Chat brings with it an extremely important detail: it can be used for fraud or for honest endeavors. To address this ethical dilemma, this Manual, accompanied by a guide, was created.

Author Biography

Lucia Santaella, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

É pesquisadora 1A do CNPq, professora titular na pós-graduação em Comunicação e Semiótica e em Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital (PUC-SP). Doutora em Teoria Literária pela PUC-SP e Livre-docente em Ciências da Comunicação pela USP. Publicou 56 livros e organizou 33, além da publicação de quase 500 artigos no Brasil e no exterior. Recebeu os prêmios Jabuti (2002, 2009, 2011, 2014), o prêmio Sergio Motta (2005) e o prêmio Luiz Beltrão (2010). Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0681-6073.


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