The Interreligious dialogue as a strategy to combat religious intolerance suffered by afro-brazilian traditions




Afro-Brazilian religions; interreligious dialogue; intolerance.


Interreligious dialogue is in the contemporary world and is the target of great reflections, being a recurrent theme in the Sciences of Religion. It establishes communication and relationships between believers of different religious traditions, involving sharing of life, experience, and knowledge. Respect for the other's identity and their religiosity is the most important element during the process. However, what can be observed on the part of some religious groups in Brazil is the resistance to listening and establishing hostile positions against denominations that do not share their concepts and beliefs. In Brazil, African-based religions are the ones that suffer the most from religious intolerance through Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal groups. Based on the preconception of what is not known, intolerance generates discriminatory actions not only against the religious institution, in this case, those of Afro matrix, but also against its faithful. Based on this intolerance still suffered by Afro-Brazilian religions, the objective of this article will be to analyze the Interreligious Dialogue as a solution to the issues of confronting Afro-Brazilian religions. The article will have contributions from Cecília Mariz, Vagner Gonçalves da Silva, Roberlei Panasiewicz, among others.

Author Biography

Zuleica do Carmo Garcia de Barcelos, Pontifícia Universidade Católica e Minas Gerais

Master's Student in Religious Sciences at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais.


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How to Cite

Barcelos, Z. do C. G. de. (2021). The Interreligious dialogue as a strategy to combat religious intolerance suffered by afro-brazilian traditions . Último Andar, 24(38), 199–217.

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