
  • Jucileide Maria Cândido UFCG - PPGLE




Abstract: This article starts from the following problem question: How can the social network Twitter, understood as a pedagogical interface, promote critical sense in reading classes in Portuguese language teaching in high school level? In view of answering it, we established as a general objective: to analyze an enunciative scene of April of 2021, taken from the former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s Twitter, after the interview given to the journalist Reinaldo Azevedo on the same date, as well as replicas to the post and a suggestion of reading activity in a discursive perspective. The Dialogical Theory of Language, of the Bakhtin Circle, serves as a theoretical framework. When it comes to the method, we selected, from Twitter, an enunciative scene and clippings of followers who had commented on such post. Regarding the results, we emphasize that we fulfill the role of offering language scholars an analysis of enunciative scenes in social network in a dialogical-discursive conception of reading teaching and a suggestion of formative work.


Keywords: Discursive interaction. Twitter. Portuguese Language Teaching.


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