
  • Francisco Cavalcante Xavier UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARÁ (UFPA)





The tonic vowel system of Portuguese, with its seven distinctive segments – /i, e, ε, a, ɔ, o, u/ – is reduced to a pretonic subsystem of just five vowels – /i, e, a, o, u/. This systemic reduction is the result of the neutralization of the two-degree contrast between mid-vowels (Câmara Jr., 1970, 1971), which caused the extinction of the “/e/ - /ε/” and “/o/ - /ɔ/” oppositions, resulting in only one front segment – ​​/e/ – and another back one – /o/. However, the two-degree phonetic realization of pretonic mid-vowels not only persists in the language, but, in fact, is the materialization of an important dialectal variation in Brazilian Portuguese, with three main variants – a) maintenance: [e], [o]; b) lowering: [E], [O]; c) heightening: [i], [u]. For the dialect of Belém do Pará, studies indicate that lowering is the second most recurrent occurrence, second only to maintaining the underlying mid-highs (Nina, 1991; Cruz, 2008, 2013; Sousa, 2010; Fagundes, 2015; Costa, 2016; Souza, 2020). Souza (2020) specifically investigated the occurrence of vowel harmony in the speech of Belém based on the analysis of the acoustic parameters of speech, and concluded that the harmonic phenomenon, in fact, is closely related to the lowering of pretonic mid-vowels in the capital of Pará state. Because it is a phonological phenomenon of assimilation, vowel harmony can be well explained in light of the theoretical assumptions of Autosegmental Phonology. For this phonological theory, features operate autonomously and may be the target of phonetic-phonological processes, regardless of the segments to which they are originally linked. The main objective of this work is: a) to present and discuss the main results of the literature about the lowering of /e/, /o/ pretonic by vowel harmonization in Belém's speech; b) demonstrate how this lowering can be explained and formalized based on Autosegmental Phonology, by means of the formal instruments of Features Geometry.

Keywords: Pretonic mid-vowels; lowering by vowel harmonization; Brazilian Portuguese; Belém dialect; autosegmental phonology.


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