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  • Kátia Regina Franco SEDU -Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Espírito Santo



Read-Writing. Ecosystem. Fake news. Technodiscourse.


This article discusses how linguistic and computer elements of technodiscourses working together to construct the meanings of fake news published on X, and reflects on which skills should be developed in teaching reading and writing texts native to the digital environment. Based on the assumptions of Textual Linguistics in interface with Digital Discourse Analysis, the ecosystem analysis methodology (Paveau, 2021) of native digital textuality was adopted. Fake news seems to have found a favorable environment for production and dissemination in the digital universe, using platform tools and resources in co-operation with language elements to construct the possible meanings intended by the enunciator and carried out by the read-writers.


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Author Biography

Kátia Regina Franco, SEDU -Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Espírito Santo

PhD student in Linguistic Studies, Professor and Pedagogical Technician at the Espírito Santo State Network.

Attentive to the issues that involve learning, forms of evaluation and teaching praxis, my academic life was built on studies taught at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) since graduating with a Full Degree in Portuguese Language and Brazilian and Portuguese Literature (1999-2002) , going through a specialization in Linguistic Studies and Mother Tongue Teaching (2004-2006) and a Master's in Linguistic Studies (2006-2008). All course completion work was circumscribed around the Entrance Examination Writing and the vertices involved in this textual process. In 2021, I joined the PhD course in Linguistics at Ufes. I currently work at the Cariacica Regional Education Superintendency as a pedagogical technician and I am a Portuguese language consultant in large-scale assessments. I worked as a school director at an education school full-time, after having worked as Pedagogical Coordinator, Area Coordinating Teacher and Portuguese Language teacher. I worked as a Study Advisor for the National Pact for Literacy in the Right Age (PNAIC) in 2013 and 2014 and I have worked as a literacy teacher in the other initial years, as well as in all years and series of basic education teaching Portuguese classes. . I also worked in higher education as a distance tutor for an IFES undergraduate course and a face-to-face teacher at a private college and at Ufes. I have experience in textual linguistics and discourse, teaching, correcting essays for competitions and reviewing texts in general. I am a speaker on language, language teaching and teacher training; developer of large-scale assessment items and participant in committees for analyzing literary, informative and technical books.


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