Referenciação, Orientação Argumentativa, Pontos de vista, Redação do ENEMAbstract
Resulting from dissertation research, this article aims to investigate the role of referential processes in the development of argumentative guidance in two ENEM grade 10 essays. With support from Amossy (2011) and Cavalcante (2016), the research shows that referential processes perform argumentative functions motivated by the structure and communicative purposes of the genre in question. As a result, the analyzes show that the fabrication of the referent, from its first appearance to the resumption(s), contributes to the argumentative orientation, by assisting in the perception of the enunciator's points of view in the text, a result of the lexicalization present in the expressions. references, whether introductory or anaphoric. The proposed discussion provides theoretical-methodological support to the Portuguese language teacher and facilitates other studies on the interface between referencing and argumentation in studies in Textual Linguistics.
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