"The cry in the rite": seduction and "love invitation" in Raduan Nassar's Ancient tillage





Love invitation, Seduction, Ancient tillage


The love invitation is a traditional poetry topos associated with an old rhetoric-poetic schema, which sets the lover in the place of the one who urges the loved one to yield to their love advance, having been linked to the time passage and to a metaphorical system that carries values tied to the urgency of the love plea. In Ancient tillage, the main character André is placed as the articulator of a rhetorical variation of the erotic request, whose speech retakes some elements of the traditional topic, yet renewed by transgressions and specific modulations, compatible with the novel spirit and with some of the character’s perspective peculiarities. Therefore, it is proposed a reading of André’s line to his sister on chapter 20 of the referred novel, having as the parameter the “love invitation”, in order to reflect on the appropriations and erasures made by the storyteller regarding the referred topos.


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Author Biography

Rafael Quevedo, UFMA

Doutor em Letras pela Universidade de Brasília – Brasil. Professor da Universidade Federal do Maranhão – Brasil


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