Career perceptions and job satisfaction among teaching staff at entrepreneurial faculties in Brazil




Teaching career, Satisfaction at work, Psychodynamics of work, Entrepreneurial faculties


This study aims to understand career perceptions and job satisfaction among higher education teachers in Brazilian entrepreneurial faculties (EFs). The study explores how recent reforms have affected the career concept of these professionals and how changes in the structure of work have affected their satisfaction with teaching work. A qualitative empirical study was carried out in which 12 higher education teachers participated in semi-structured interviews. The information collected was submitted to content analysis in order to identify the association between the career models put forward by EFs and aspects related to work psychodynamics. Evidence was found that the institutions to demand that individuals align their personal career expectations with the organisation’s strategies even if the market swings do not allow the development of medium or long-term projects. As a result, the teachers orient their careers in a traditional way but see no guarantees for effectiveness from the institution. This environment leads to dissatisfaction and negative experiences with work, especially with regard to organisational structure. With these results, the study suggests that that EFs do not offer a traditional career model or objective conditions for individual improvement. The way that EFs organise work contributes to distress and dissatisfaction at work, especially with regard to the lack of professional recognition, activity overload and the gap between prescribed and actual work.

Author Biography

Vanessa Rissi, Faculdade do Instituto Meridional




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