Empirical evidence of a theoretical model Digital knowledge management, digital strategies and organizational agility





Knowledge management, Digital strategy, Organizational agility, Organization


Market competitiveness continues to intensify and remains conducive to the transformation of products, services, innovation, and consumer behavior, especially in the service sector. The basis for this perspective evolves from the service sector’s rising importance in the economy, coupled with the demand for digital services integration. The dynamics mentioned above seem to satisfy possible and relevant solutions for this sector. This article aims to verify how the management of digital strategies leverage organizational agility through the adoption of sustainable digital strategies developed by public and private organizations. Hence, the study draws on the data emerging from public and private organizations. The two hundred ninety-five workers sample consisted of men and women over age 18. These individuals answered a questionnaire comprised of sociodemographic data, digital knowledge management scale (KM), digital strategy scale (DS), and organizational agility scale (OA). Additionally, all participants answered on a five-point Liket scale. In this respect, we have observed that knowledge management was positively associated with digital strategy and aligned with organizational agility. In the calculation of the analysis of variance, results suggest that the higher the score at the high level of the CG, the higher the level of DE as a function of AgO. Furthermore, comparing public and private organizations, the three established constructs revealed higher scores in private organizations. With these results, it is possible to validate the established hypothesis, as well as to propose a more current perspective for the organizational processes related to the decision-making process and digital services.


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