The physiology of stress and subjective well-being in adolescents: self-knowledge is non-violence




Stress physiology, Problem-based learning, Active methodologies, Subjective well-being in adolescents, Nonviolence


Stress, anxiety and violence are increasingly common in the school context and need a better understanding. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the results of promoting self-knowledge through the teaching of stress physiology using Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and its impacts on Subjective Well-Being in Adolescents (SWB-A), with high school students in a public school in Paraná. Method: Cross-sectional quantitative research. The analysis of the data together shows that, with the approach promoted by the PBL, students not only manage to perceive stressful situations in their own lives (Self - self-knowledge), but they can choose to deal them nonviolently. The conclusion is that self-knowledge favors a non-violent stress response.


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