Peirce’s “fundamental abduction”: how creativity entails cosmology


  • Maria Regina Brioschi Department of Philosophy, State University of Milan (Italy)


Peirce – Abduction – Hope – Creativity – Cosmology


The aim of the present paper is to explore the connection between Peirce’s theory of abduction and his cosmology, showing how his metaphysical and cosmological thoughts are required by his logical theory of abduction. To reach this goal, I first consider by and large the specific issue at stake – that is creativity – and then I briefly touch upon creativity’s implications to both Peirce’s “popular” theory of abduction, and his “unpopular” cosmology. Second, I tackle abduction and creativity with special reference to Peirce’s description of lume naturale and hope, and third I show how a critical account of abduction and creativity leads us toward cosmology and metaphysics. As a result, we will see how abduction and creativity involve a cosmology and need to be sustained by Synechism, in order to be fully comprehended and explained.


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