Antiquity on the borders between Literature and History


DOSSIER: Antiquity on the borders between Literature and History.

Cordis Magazine (PUC-SP). Qualis B1.

For this dossier, articles will be accepted that deal with dialogues, contacts and differences between texts and themes in the areas of History and Literature, taking into account other related areas, such as Religion, Archeology, Philosophy, etc., in the cultures of ancient Mediterranean civilizations, from the Mesopotamians to the Egyptians, passing through Israel, Greece and Rome.
Articles can be sent in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.

Masters, masters and doctoral students can send submissions as long as they are accompanied by a doctor as co-authors.

ARTICLE RECEIPT PERIOD: until 03/31/2025.

ORGANIZERS: Dr. Ettore Quaranta and Dr. Rafael Guimarães Tavares da Silva.