Ecclesiastical apprehensions about the implementation of the Civil Marriage Law of 1885 in the city of Curicó




Parish of Curicó, Civil Marriage, Civil Registry, Relations between Church and State, Hierarchical Centralization


The implementation of the Civil Marriage Law enacted in 1885 represented a great challenge for the ecclesiastical authorities of the time, since for the first time in the history of Chile the religious ceremony did not generate for the couple the acquisition of the civil status of married. The promulgation of this state norm generated doubts and concerns among the clergy regarding its consequences on the parishioners and the way in which it affected their parish obligations. This study to identify these arrests in the city of Curicó, capital of the province of the same name, through the correspondence and other documents of its parish priest, the priest José Joaquín Díaz. A local perspective and the microhistory approach are thus privileged to address a phenomenon that has usually been treated from a global and centralist perspective.

Author Biography

, Universidad de los Andes

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How to Cite

Gomien, A. I. (2024). Ecclesiastical apprehensions about the implementation of the Civil Marriage Law of 1885 in the city of Curicó. Cordis: Revista Eletrônica De História Social Da Cidade, (32), e67598.