A cidade de São Paulo: um entreposto de braços para a lavoura cafeeira


  • Paulo Cesar Gonçalves


Migration, Coffee growing, Labor force, Economic development


The city of São Paulo: a warehouse of labor force for the coffee plantation. This article offers reflections on the importance of the coffee economy in the development of the city of São Paulo, addressing two issues: immigration policy in order to obtain labors, especially the establishment of the Sociedade Promotora de Imigração and the construction of the Hospedaria de Imigrantes do Brás, and the circulation of wealth, represented by the most important Brazilian export product. The role of centralizing and distributing labor force and coffee, in other words, of active participation in the flows between the two sides of the Atlantic, has given some of the conditions to transform São Paulo in the main economic reference of the country.

Author Biography

Paulo Cesar Gonçalves

Paulo Cesar Gonçalves é doutor em História Econômica pela FFLCH/USP (2008) e autor do livro Migração e mão-de-obra: retirantes cearenses na economia cafeeira do Centro-Sul (1877-1901), publicado pela Editora Humanitas, em 2006. Atualmente realiza pesquisa de Pós-Doutorado junto à Cátedra Jaime Cortesão (FFLCH/USP).

How to Cite

Gonçalves, P. C. (2012). A cidade de São Paulo: um entreposto de braços para a lavoura cafeeira. Cordis: Revista Eletrônica De História Social Da Cidade, (2). Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/cordis/article/view/9521