“Nós” e “eles”, uma difícil relação: conflitos entre brasileiros e imigrantes em Ponta Grossa-PR (1892-1912)


  • Renata Sopelsa


Society, Immigration, Crime


Located in the path of the troops, on the eighteen hundreds Ponta Grossa housed a “camp society” who lived on large ranches, dealing with the livestock. However, in the early Republic, this city in Paraná state began to house a large number of urban residents, many of whom coming from other country regions looking for better opportunities. The city also received a significant number of immigrants. Using the words of Norbert Elias, thus has built a new social figure, a society formed by a plurality of individuals who were part of various plots and tensions in many power relations. And, as it could be expected, in the meeting of so many “different” the mismatch was given, the open conflict and the crime. Following this direction, based on criminal cases involving european immigrants, this paper analyzes the rehabilitation experienced by these individuals, searching to uncover the resistances and oppositions they faced during this process.

Author Biography

Renata Sopelsa

Renata Sopelsa é doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Bolsista da Capes e integrante da Linha de Pesquisa Intersubjetividade e Pluralidade: reflexões e sentimentos na História, do GT Nacional de História Cultural.

How to Cite

Sopelsa, R. (2012). “Nós” e “eles”, uma difícil relação: conflitos entre brasileiros e imigrantes em Ponta Grossa-PR (1892-1912). Cordis: Revista Eletrônica De História Social Da Cidade, (2). Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/cordis/article/view/9522