Patrones de realización de la proyección en la Discusión de artículos de investigación producidos en español


  • Estela Inés Moyano UNGS, Argentina


projection, congruent realization, metaphorical realization, research article.


The purpose of this paper is to explore the patterns of realization ofprojection of different voices in discussions of research articles in Spanishfrom two disciplines: Microbiology and Sociology. Because it can berealized by different means in the lexico-grammar, projection has been considered from the perspective of Systemic-Functional Linguistics as a‘semantic motif’ (Halliday, 1994: 219), as a phenomenon of ‘semanticdomain’ (Halliday y Matthiessen, 2004: 603-4) or as a discoursesemanticphenomenon (Martin 1992:17-19; Martin & White, 2005: 11).In fact, projection can be realized congruently by a clause nexus, andmetaphorically by other grammatical resources. In this paper, differentand varied patterns of realization of projection in Spanish have beenanalyzed in a brief corpus, in order to apply the results to the future studyof heteroglossia in the social context of science. The analysis of Transitivityand of tactic and logico-semantic relations have revealed in the texts ofeach discipline: a) the realization of the sources of projection, b) the meansof realization of projection itself and c) the status of what is projected, asa clause in a clause nexus or as an element with an experiential functionin the confi guration of the clause as representation.



How to Cite

Moyano, E. I. (2015). Patrones de realización de la proyección en la Discusión de artículos de investigación producidos en español. DELTA: Documentação E Estudos Em Linguística Teórica E Aplicada, 31(1). Retrieved from


