Factores internos y externos en el aprendizaje del inglés en línea: Diferencias por sexo y nivel de dominio
Flipped classroom, online learning, self-regulation, university students, motivationAbstract
This study aimed to examine the significant statistical differences between gender and English level regarding self-regulation, motivation, test anxiety and classroom climate. A quantitative study was conducted, adopting a descriptive and non-experimental research design with a sample of 542 college students. The findings indicate that women use self-regulation strategies for task achievement to a greater degree than men. Moreover, they possess higher levels of extrinsic motivation and show a greater level of test anxiety. A1 and A2 levels tend to use self-regulation strategies for time management, while the B1 displays a higher degree of motivation. The A2 level prefers and favors student cohesion boosting classroom climate. The differences found in this study are considered a starting point to understand how these variables operate in the language learning under the synchronous online flipped learning approach.
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