Brazilian Sign Language phonetic-phonological and semantic-lexical performance among linguistically deprived deaf children and adolescents




Language Development Disorders, Vocabulary, Phonetics, Deafness


Introduction: Sign language development is known to follow a similar path to spoken languages. Language assessments as part of speech-language-hearing practice can identify delays in cases of linguistic deprivation. Objective: To evaluate the phonetic-phonological performance and expressive vocabulary in deaf children and adolescents with different levels of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) exposure. Method: This is a cross-sectional study with 12 participants. Data were collected by filming the application of two instruments: the ABFW Children’s Language Test – Vocabulary and the Sign Language and Cognition – Phonetic-Phonological Screening (Lisco). The responses were analyzed as proposed by their authors and statistically treated. Results: All participants performed below the expected level in the expressive vocabulary test. The categories with the best performance were “animals” and “shapes and colors”. The most frequently used substitution processes were “substitution and/or complement of verbal semiotics by correct nonverbal semiotics” and “complement of verbal semiotics by an indicative gesture”. Children failed more than adolescents in the phonetic-phonological screening. The associative analysis of the phonetic-phonological screening under the employed variables did not show significantly different performances. On the other hand, the associative analysis showed that the time of contact with Libras, the family’s use of Libras, and the school’s use of Libras differed in the expressive vocabulary assessment. Conclusion: All participants performed below the expected level, suggesting their linguistic deprivation may have influenced the results.


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How to Cite

Starosky, P., Araujo, L. E. L., Ferreira, C. M. de P., & Bagetti, T. . (2024). Brazilian Sign Language phonetic-phonological and semantic-lexical performance among linguistically deprived deaf children and adolescents. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 36(4), e68564.


