Teaching Math through Art: a didactic sequence proposal with scripts for the construction of conics by the string art technique
https://doi.org/10.23925/2358-4122.2023v10i258993Mots-clés :
Mathematics teaching and learning, Interdisciplinary, Mathematics and Art, String art, Conic sectionsRésumé
The interdisciplinary studies in the teaching of mathematics through art makes this articulation a source that generates comprehensive and significant knowledge for both areas, with the possibility of exploring playfulness and creativity for educational purposes. In this context, the string art technique (which consists of building different figures as a result of the orderly manipulation of strings on points fixed on a solid surface) is shown as a potential didactic resource for the development of methodologies that can improve aspects of teaching and learning of geometric figures and their properties, such as conical sections (little explored in relation to other geometric shapes). The exploration of the technique can help the teacher in the teaching process of Analytical Geometry, through dynamic classes using manipulative materials, with the possibility of obtaining better learning results. In this sense, the present work explores the context of interdisciplinary between Mathematics and Arts and proposes a didactic sequence directed to the teaching of conic sections in High School, with string art. The didactic sequence evidences a methodology oriented to the participation of students as active in the construction of their own knowledge, based on the guidelines for the construction of geometric figures by the mediator teacher. In the professional perspective, the objective of the didactic sequence (product of this work) is to help the teacher in the construction of new teaching methodologies that contribute to improve the student's knowledge about conics, in order to obtain satisfactory results in the teaching of Geometry and overcome difficulties observed in classroom practice.
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