Deadline for submission extended - Fronteiraz 29


Modern Arts Week in Brazil:  100 years and a still ongoing history

Guest editors:

Leandro Pazini (UNIFESP)

Vera Bastazin (PUCSP)


The centenary of the Modern Art Week in Brazil offers a special occasion for a reflection about Brazilian modernism both in its historical moment and in its developments, and this includes the current significance of its legacy. In this context, a series of issues arises, such as modernism and the approximation among the arts; review and broadening in the scope of arts and literature; the chronological limits of the modernist movement (before and after the 1922 Week); genres and different supporting elements: which changes has  Modernism brought about?; vanguard and tradition: is this an approximation that has come to stay?; contributions of modernism to current technology; national diffusion and international articulations of the modernist movement; modernism and popular culture, an approximation that remains active; modernism and the manifold faces of criticism; modernism and academic research: steady developments.


This issue of Revista Fronteiraz welcomes articles which address such issues in light of a critical and/or theoretical approach contributing to an understanding of Brazilian modernism.


New deadline for submission of articles: July 10, 2022.


Reminder: the “Essays” and “Reviews” sections run at a continuous flow, irrespective of the thematic area chosen for the “Articles” section. For further details, please see norms in “Guidelines for authors” at