For German to read: Alencar and Taunay by Arno Philipp


  • André Luis Mitidieri Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC)
  • Miquela Piaia Instituto Federal Farroupilha, campus Santo Augusto (RS)


Arno Philipp Literary Collection, Brazilian literature translated to the German language, José de Alencar, Viscount of Taunay.


In this paper we study the actions of the German-Brazilian citizen Arno Philipp as a translator to the German language of a number of José de Alencar and Visconde de Taunay novels. The sources and the trails that led us to this accomplishment proceed from the Arno Philipp Literary Collection (ALAPH), that we organized after we became aware of an infinity of documents, specially about the translator and the letters he changed with Alencar and Taunay relatives, filed at the Panambi Historical Museum and Archive. The results here presented allow weaving a series of considerations about the presence of the Brazilian literature in this southern Brazil city, at that time known as Neu-Württemberg colony. Through the translations he made and other actions, Philipp mediated the Brazilianness and the Germanism, enabling to produce, from the material arranged in the archive, a literary micro-history that, focused on intercultural contacts, relies on the teachings of the Italian historian Carlo Ginzburg.


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Author Biographies

André Luis Mitidieri, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC)

Professor adjunto no Curso de Letras da UESC. Docente efetivo de História e Literatura no PPGL - Mestrado em Linguagens e Representações - da mesma instituição. Docente colaborador junto ao PPGL - Mestrado em Literatura Comparada - da Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões (URI-FW)

Miquela Piaia, Instituto Federal Farroupilha, campus Santo Augusto (RS)

Graduada em Língua Estrangeira pela Universidade do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do SUl (UNIJUÍ). Especialista em Ensino de Língua Estrangeira: ênfase em Inglês (UNICRUZ).  Também realizou cursos de aperfeiçoamento em língua inglesa no Canadá e Inglaterra. Mestra em Letras com área de concentração em pela Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - Campus Frederico Westphalen-RS (URI-FW). Docente no Instituto Federal Farroupilha, campus Santo Augusto (RS).



How to Cite

Mitidieri, A. L., & Piaia, M. (2013). For German to read: Alencar and Taunay by Arno Philipp. FronteiraZ. Journal of the Postgraduate Studies in Literature and Literary Criticism Program, (10), 259–278. Retrieved from



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