Appropriation writing in a post-production context


  • Leonardo Nabuco Villa-Forte PUC-RJ


Appropriation, Authorship, Montage, Literature, Art


Increasingly, it is possible to see texts which are not the product of their authors, but rather an appropriation they make of excerpts or even whole pieces of another author’s work or other sources such as radiophonic broadcasts and newspaper issues. In 2007, the French curator Nicolas Bourriaud proposed the term “post-production” to group together artworks following Marcel Duchamp’s concept of “ready-made”. In 2011, the poet and artist Kenneth Goldsmith, who is also a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, formulated the notion of “uncreative writing”, thus moving a similar idea into the textual milieu. Based on these assertions, the aim of this paper is to find out where such practices point to and how they can be conceived in a wider context of contemporaneity, in a dialogue with the Internet and the colossal amount of information it makes available.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Nabuco Villa-Forte, PUC-RJ

Nascido no Rio de Janeiro em 1985. Pesquisador, professor, editor, escritor e artista, graduou-se em Psicologia pela UFRJ, com intercâmbio na Facultad de Filología na Universidad de Salamanca, quando desenvolveu Pesquisa na área de Psicologia, Comunicação e Novas Mídias. Autor do livro de contos O explicador e do romance O princípio de ver histórias em todo lugar, da série de colagens MixLit e da intervenção urbana Paginário. Participou de diversos eventos e encontros na área de literatura e artes e realizou oficinas e palestras envolvendo as mesmas. Mestre em Literatura, Cultura e Contemporaneidade pela PUC-RJ, com dissertação intitulada "Escrever sem escrever: a literatura de apropriação", aprovada com máximo grau pela banca de avaliação do Departamento de Letras PUC-RJ.



How to Cite

Villa-Forte, L. N. (2016). Appropriation writing in a post-production context. FronteiraZ. Journal of the Postgraduate Studies in Literature and Literary Criticism Program, (17), 281–295. Retrieved from



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